Brief Introduction
Tasks of CIATA
Care of Leaders
Leaders of CIATA
Friendly Intercourse
China International Corrosion Control Conference
Exchanging and Visiting
Consulting, Examining, and Training
Activities of Naming Zone Brand


  Cooperation with German Society for Chemical Apparatus, Chemical Engineering, and Biotechnology ( DECHEMA)

Since 1989, CIATA as a supporter has cooperated with DECHEMA to hold ACHEMASIA in Beijing, China, once every three years. From then on, six terms of large-scale international exhibition have been sponsored.

From 1985 to 2006, CIATA has organized eight delegations to participate in ACHEMA sponsored by DECHEMA in Germany and Australia.

Opening ceremony of the 6th ACEMASIA


In 2000, CIATA dispatched its stuffs to Germany to learn from DECHEMA’ R& D, Technical exchange and Exhibition management.

Leaders of CIATA and DECHEMA

Opening ceremony of the 5th ACHEMASIA

  Cooperation with NACE international

Since 1986, CIATA has cooperated with NACE int’l, including translating NACE standard, organizing delegations to participate in NACE annual conference & exposition, exchanging information and publications, visiting each other high-ranking leaders, etc.

Leaders of CIATA and NACE int’l

  Cooperation with European Federation of Corrosion(EFC)

CIATA has established friendly relationship with EFC. The board chairman of EFC participated in the first China International Corrosion Control Conference (CICC’99) and signed a long-term cooperation agreement with the president of CIATA.

Pan Lian-sheng, the former president of CIATA talking with the president of EFC